A Personal Take: The 3 Pillars of aTech Company.

Oscar Omegna
3 min readApr 1, 2023


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

The tech landscape is a fascinating world of opportunities and challenges. It’s common for businesses to underestimate the power of technology and innovation, limiting their growth potential. I often reflect on the three pillars that can make or break a tech company. So, let’s dive into technical superiority, winning workflow, and process improvement.

Introduction: The tech landscape is a fascinating world of opportunities and challenges. It’s common for businesses to underestimate the power of technology and innovation, limiting their growth potential. I often reflect on the three pillars that can make or break a tech company. So, let’s dive into technical superiority, winning workflow, and process improvement.

Technical Superiority — The Dream Worth Chasing?

Technical superiority can be a game-changer for tech companies. Just look at Google and Apple, two giants that have reaped the rewards of unparalleled innovation. However, it’s important to remember that achieving technical superiority can be daunting, with fierce competition and ever-changing advancements. It’s a dream most non-technical founders, managers, and project leaders need to consider. Is it worth pursuing? Absolutely. Does it have to be the priority if it’s not directly related to the value proposition? Not necessarily.

Winning Workflow — The Unsung Hero?

Even if a solution isn’t groundbreaking from a technical standpoint, a winning workflow can still propel a company to success. I’ve observed that Airbnb and Uber have thrived by identifying unique and efficient ways to address problems or improve processes. The power of innovative workflows should not be underestimated, as they can often be the unsung heroes of tech success stories. Airbnb and Uber are seen as technically superior to their competitors and have released some of the best open-source solutions. A winning workflow can also become a technically excellent product.

Process Improvement — The Little Engine That Could?

Process improvement is essential to a tech company’s success, even if it initially seems simple. Fixing an accounting problem, improving developers’ management tools, or even a phone service that provides you with better energy plans are all examples of process improvements that can make a difference. Process improvement may not be as flashy as technical superiority or winning workflow. Still, it’s the little engine that could propel tech companies forward. Improve the process, find the winning workflow, and increase technical prowess to a point where product superiority helps them lead the market.

Striking the Perfect Balance — A Delicate Dance?

Finding the right balance among these three pillars is crucial for a tech company’s success. Overemphasising one post at the expense of others may lead to missed opportunities and challenges. Striking for the perfect balance might be a delicate dance, but it’s one that I think tech companies should strive to master. The balance changes with time, growth, and experience, but any company that breaks it hinders their growth capabilities and risks not reaching its full potential.

Wrapping It Up — An Invitation for Reflection

These three pillars are a framework through which I think about tech companies and compare their successes and failures. This helps me understand my challenges as a founder, find guidance from their accomplishments, and recognise red flags from their experiences. I reflect on these pillars and consider how they apply to my journey in technology.



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